Have you ever been discouraged by people to date a woman who is “too attractive” for you? Well, they are probably wrong. Here is what you should know.
If you are looking for a meaningful and lasting relationship, you should avoid placing too much importance on looks alone. Most people are hard-wired to focus on physical attributes because it is what their base instinct dictates in finding a suitable mate.
That is understandable. But the reality is, good looks are overrated. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look beautiful. However, the insatiable need in our society to value physical attractiveness above everything else has misguided many impressionable youths.
Credit: Flickr/hulagal87 |
Physical beauty is, indeed, skin deep and will fade away eventually. Being in a relationship solely based on good looks is inadequate and a complete waste of time. So, you should seriously ask yourself, “What really makes a woman beautiful?”
Here are 10 essential traits that can make any woman perpetually beautiful.
1. She knows how to recognize and appreciate the beauty in others.
2. She is not jealous of what others may have, nor does she secretly desire them.
3. She is not insecure of what others may think or say about her.
4. She is a genuine person who does not pretend to be someone else, just for the sake of being accepted.
5. She is immensely passionate about life, her work, her craft, and worthy causes.
6. She does not use her charm or beauty to manipulate or take advantage of others.
7. She understands the importance of mutual respect and generosity.
8. She knows how to hold engaging conversations and freely shares her sensible ideas.
9. She is interested in the betterment of the world around her and wants to make a positive impact.
10. She is a unique woman with substance that cannot be easily replaced by another pretty face.
A woman who relies solely on her good looks is only good for a night or two. But you will eventually become bored with her and look for someone else.
A woman who is kind, passionate, and unique can not only get your attention, but also keep you interested in her for a lifetime.
Remember, life is too short to waste on empty and meaningless relationships. The choice is yours, my friend.